Preparing and Delivering Presentations | PRDV008

Course Name: Preparing and Delivering Presentations


1. Which benefit of learning public speaking do improving critical thinking skills exemplify?
a) Societal benefit
b) Personal benefit
c) Professional benefit

2.When Rhyanna heard Damian talking to his daughter, she interpreted the words he was saying to understand he was asking his daughter if she had cleaned her room. Which element of the communication model do you see in action here as Rhyanna made sense of what Damian said?
a) Decoding
b) Encoding
c) The message

3. Kyla knew she was losing her audience’s attention when she saw several people check their phones and close their eyes. She decided to adapt her presentation by asking questions and opening up a discussion. Kyla’s success resulted from her ability to read and adapt to her audience based on which of the following forms of feedback?
a) Verbal feedback
b) Nonverbal feedback
c) Electronic feedback

4. Since Mr. Hyzeinga was concerned that the construction noise next to his third-grade classroom would distract his students, he moved his class to another room to help his students focus on his lesson. This illustrates which of the following concepts?
a) Mr. Hyzeinga encodes and decodes verbal messages from his students
b) Mr. Hyzeinga uses feedback from his students to request a different room
c) Mr. Hyzeinga realized that environmental noise can negatively affect your audience

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5. Dr. Fiori was getting ready to deliver a presentation on the benefits of renewable energy to a group of coal miners. She was sure her audience would be uneasy, would prefer to hear how to reduce job losses, and questioned whether it was feasible to shift to a new industry. Which statement best describes how Dr. Fiori handled her audience?
a) Dr. Fiori worked hard to do a demographic analysis
b) Dr. Fiori recognized how important it is to approach controversial topics carefully
c) Dr. Fiori worked to understand the diversity of her audience as she adapted her topic

6. Dr. Gutierrez, a personal finance advisor, was preparing a personal finance workshop for a company retreat that all employees were required to attend. Since the employees were not there by choice, he decided to incorporate activities and tell some humorous stories to engage his audience. This is an example of which kind of audience analysis?
a) Situational analysis
b) Demographic analysis
c) Psychographic analysis

7. When Theo interviewed a small group of people for feedback on whether they liked his topic, he was using which method to learn about an audience?
a) A focus group
b) Using existing research
c) Surveying the audience for information

8. Choosing your language carefully to reflect your audience’s understanding can help you connect with your audience and maintain credibility. If you state you are conducting a “magic trick” rather than “prestidigitation” during your presentation, you are using which of the following guidelines for language choice?
a) Use language accurately
b) Using inclusive language
c) Choosing simple language

9. Some presenters use a visual method for choosing a topic by putting a word in the center hub, circling it with associated ideas, topics, and subcategories, and inserting spokes as if on a wheel, to build and see relationships. This method of developing a topic is which of the following?
a) Clustering
b) Brainstorming
c) Free Association

10. The Worthman Group is making structural changes to its business. Lena knew her employees were worried about how the changes would impact them, so she decided to give a presentation to describe the changes, explain what had inspired the changes, and discuss what they would mean for them all. Which of the following guidelines for choosing a topic best explains why she chose this as her topic?
a) She chose a topic that would be professional
b) She chose a topic she knew about and had experience with
c) She chose a topic that was relevant and important to her audience

11. When Rena was planning her presentation, one of the statements she wrote early on in her outlining process to keep her focused on her topic was “To inform my work colleagues on how the new scheduling system works”. Which of the following statements for developing a presentation did Rena write?
a) The explanation statement
b) The general purpose statement
c) The specific purpose statement

12. Read this thesis and its three main points:

Thesis: The women’s movement in the United States is thought to have three distinct phases, starting in Seneca Falls, the launching of the Women’s Liberation movement, and the recent transition to third-wave feminism.

Main Point 1. The Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 launched the first wave of feminism in the United States, a wave that was primarily focused on gaining the vote for women.
Main Point 2. The second wave of feminism, typified by the Women’s Liberation movement, was focused on equality and began in the 1960s.
Main Point 3. Third-wave feminism, born in the 1990s, developed as a critique of second-wave feminism and primarily focused on the themes of intersectionality and a global understanding of women’s lives.

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13. Which speech pattern is used in this example?
a) A spatial speech pattern
b) A causal speech pattern
c) A chronological speech pattern

14. The following statements include a topic sentence, a supporting point, and supporting evidence. Which statement is the supporting evidence?
a) Planting a garden can help support a physically active lifestyle
b) According to Gina Shaw in an article published on WebMD (, you can burn 200-400 calories an hour weeding a garden
c) Gardening requires different types of physical labor which burn calories and help build stamina: cultivating the ground, planting, watering, and weeding

15. Ceola tried to connect with her audience of young parents when she presented on the importance of early childhood education. She briefly explained what their children could learn at various early ages. This is an example of which part of the introduction?
a) The thesis statement
b) The relevance statement
c) The attention getter or hook

16. What kind of transition strategy was Cortavious using when he used the expression “but on the other hand” to shift from one part of his speech to another?
a) A shifting device
b) A transitional phrase
c) A conjoining signpost

17. Alexi is researching for a presentation on intermittent fasting. He wants to read what medical experts have to say about this weight management strategy’s benefits and risks. Considering the kind of expert information Alexi wants, he will most likely find this kind of information in which of the following source types?
a) An open online search
b) A peer-reviewed journal
c) A book written for the average person

18. Marina’s guided tour of a museum showcased an original cuneiform tablet, an ancient clay tablet with symbols carved into it, and an explanation of what the symbols meant. Which of the following statements reflect the type of source the cuneiform tablet represents?
a) A true source
b) A primary source
c) A secondary source

19. Roger found an article he wanted to reference in his presentation on the history of stained glass. Since he did not recognize a publication he found during his research, he looked up the author and discovered she was considered a leading historian of stained glass. Which of the following critical analysis guidelines for assessing the quality of sources did Roger use?
a) Ensuring your source is accurate
b) Evaluating the author’s credentials and reputation
c) Ensuring you use sources your audience will find credible

20. During his presentation on how to sail, Felix included a picture of a capsized boat and a broken mast to illustrate the danger of sailing carelessly and the importance of using proper sailing techniques. What is the most likely function of the picture Felix used in this presentation?
a) The picture was simple and clean
b) The picture was appropriately sized
c) The picture helped emphasize his topic

These are answers for Preparing and Delivering Presentations

21. During his presentation on proper sailboating techniques, Felix included a picture of his first sailboat, which his parents used to teach him how to sail. His audience reacted with smiles and seemed to be enjoying and paying attention to his presentation. What is the most likely function of the picture Felix used in this presentation?
a) The picture helped clarify his presentation
b) The picture helped connect the audience to his topic
c) The picture illustrated an important point he wanted the audience to understand

22. When Flora went to the back of the presentation room to check whether the projection equipment was working, she learned she needed to enlarge the text on several slides so everyone could read them. Which criteria for visual aids had she neglected to follow?
a) Your visual aid should be clearly visible
b) Your visual aid should be visually consistent
c) Your visual aid should be simple and easy to understand

23. Which element of voice are you using during a presentation when you try to sound as if you are not reading from your notes, or that your topic is not boring?
a) Tone
b) Pacing
c) Vocal dynamics

24. Lila’s supervisor asked her to stand in for him during her team’s afternoon project meeting to update the department. Lila quickly gathered the latest project data and jotted down a set of notes for her presentation. Which presentation style would Lila be delivering?
a) A manuscript speech
b) A memorized speech
c) An impromptu speech

25. In which context would it be better to record your presentation as a podcast rather than present a face-to-face lecture?
a) When you are a subject matter expert and need to give a quick project update to your colleagues
b) When you want to summarize the latest findings in your field and have an extensive discussion with the audience
c) When you are a leading researcher in a field that traditionally features formal, lecture-style presentations

26. Kyle was late getting to his presentation and discovered the video conferencing software distorted and blurred his slide images, which had been clear and crisp on his computer. His audience seemed frustrated when they could not see everything in the images, which were an important part of his speech. Which of the following guidelines best explains what Kyle forgot to do that may have helped his presentation?
a) Make sure you know how to use your equipment and be prepared to make last-minute adjustments
b) Practice with your presentation aids on your computer, so you know how they will display, and you remember the slide order
c) Make sure your entire audience can see what you have on the screen, that each slide has “back row visibility”, and that you keep accessibility guidelines in mind

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27. Latrice included pictures, graphics, and charts in her presentation. She limited the number of slides to ensure she would not overwhelm her audience. During her speech, she showed each slide without discussion to give her audience time to process its contents and moved on to the next point. Later, several participants asked why she had used several items on her slides. What guideline for using visual aids did Latrice fail to practice?
a) Limit the number of presentation aids/slides you use
b) Use your presentation aids to focus your audience’s attention
c) Explain each slide you use and what you want your audience to get out of each slide

28. After he finished creating his presentation aids, Shivansh saved a copy to a portable USB drive and the cloud. He planned to access his slideshow from his virtual cloud account. However, when Shivansh arrived at the speaking location, an internet failure made it impossible for him to sign in to his cloud account. When he realized what happened, he ran to his car, got his USB, and displayed the slideshow he had created. Shivansh was able to present because he had followed guidelines for potential presentation aid failures when using visual aids.
a) Backup your material
b) Bring printed notes to give you an additional backup
c) Be prepared to give your presentation without your slides

29. Dr. Maher was anxious about her upcoming presentation before a research funding panel. She prepared what she was going to say and made notes to remind herself to breathe, smile, and speak carefully. Her experience speaking to audiences helped her plan for how she would feel about things as they occurred. Which of the following strategies describes Dr. Maher’s method for reducing her public speaking anxiety?
a) She thought positively about the upcoming presentation
b) She carefully prepared for the audience she would be speaking to
c) She anticipated the reactions of her body and used that to help her plan for success

30. Mr. Cho knew his audience would probably interrupt him with comments and requests for additional information. However, he was surprised when an audience member grew hostile and began speaking at length. Mr. Cho was concerned he would not be able to complete his presentation on time. What strategy could Mr. Cho use to help manage this situation?
a) Hope that the event organizer would manage the situation
b) Ignore the audience member and continue speaking as though nothing had happened
c) Look directly at the audience member, ask them to allow him to finish, and continue his presentation

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About this course: Preparing and Delivering Presentations

  • Unit 1: The Elements of Communication Preparing and Delivering Presentations
    • We begin by exploring several components of communication and the factors that set oral presentations apart from other forms of content delivery. Understanding how these elements work together will paint a picture of what happens when we give a presentation.Scholars think about our communications as processes where senders and receivers interact. We exchange messages with each other simultaneously, and participants constantly adapt their message based on their interpretations of contextual stimuli. In other words, we communicate with other people at the same time that they communicate with us, and we modify what we say and do based on what we see or hear from others.In this unit, we apply this one-to-one person communication model to public contexts. The interaction happens simultaneously, and the setting of a presentation will determine how each participant reacts.Completing this unit should take you approximately 1 hour.
  • Unit 2: Analyze Your Audience Preparing and Delivering Presentations
    • Audience analysis provides context and is the foundation for speaking effectively and appropriately to any audience. In this unit, we explore what audience analysis is, some methods for analyzing an audience, and how the language we choose affects our communication. Completing this unit should take you approximately 2 hours.
  • Unit 3: Making Your Presentation Relevant Preparing and Delivering Presentations
    • In this unit, we explore how to research and write the content to include in your presentation. First, you need to identify a topic. You will want to answer a few questions to determine whether the topic is right for you. Is it relevant to you? Is it relevant to your audience? Is it relevant to the time and place you will deliver your presentation? Completing this unit should take you approximately 1 hour.
  • Unit 4: Structuring Your Presentation Preparing and Delivering Presentations
    • Now that you have a topic and have considered how to make it relevant to your audience, you need to choose the content for your presentation. Here, we will explore how to create an outline of your presentation to identify and clarify your central message with supporting points. We will also explore how to select an appropriate speech pattern to organize your presentation’s main points. Completing this unit should take you approximately 5 hours.
  • Unit 5: Providing Supporting Content Preparing and Delivering Presentations
    • By now, you should have nearly completed the outline for your presentation based on what you already know and your preliminary research. In Unit 5, we take a deep dive into how to create appropriate supporting material for your presentation that will convince your audience that you are credible. Then, we examine the most widely-accepted ways to cite your sources.Completing this unit should take you approximately 3 hours.
  • Unit 6: Creating Your Presentation Aids Preparing and Delivering Presentations
    • Now that you have outlined the content you want to convey, you are ready to begin developing the materials you will use to support your presentation. Your presentation aids include everything from yourself (your clothing or a physical demonstration) to flip charts, handouts, models, illustrations, audio or video clips, and more common slideshow presentations like PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Prezi.Your written and visual content should reinforce and enhance your spoken message by adding something beyond what you state directly. The key to designing successful presentation aids is to give your audience another way to access your content. The design should be simple and clear, and it should use space, color, fonts, and media in ways that help explain your message without being overwhelming or distracting.Completing this unit should take you approximately 2 hours.
  • Unit 7: Delivering Your Presentation Preparing and Delivering Presentations
    • You know your audience, have researched your topic, outlined your presentation, and created your presentation aid. The next step is to give your presentation. In this unit, we explore how to incorporate the fundamentals of an oral presentation: tone, volume, rate, voice modulation, body language, eye contact, and other forms of nonverbal communication.We begin this unit by watching some presenters with exceptional speaking skills to study their delivery style. Then we explore how you can use vocal and nonverbal communication techniques to improve a presentation.Completing this unit should take you approximately 2 hours.
  • Unit 8: Categories of Presentation Delivery Preparing and Delivering Presentations
    • Scholars categorize four methods for delivering a message: impromptu, extemporaneous, manuscript, and memorized. The event will usually determine the format you should use. As we discussed in the previous unit, your goal is to sound conversational regardless of the delivery method you use. After you study these descriptions, you will notice that this course focuses on extemporaneous and impromptu speeches.Completing this unit should take you approximately 2 hours.
  • Unit 9: Speaking to an Online Audience Preparing and Delivering Presentations
    • You may be asked to deliver a presentation online, which can take on various forms. However, online presentations contain most, if not all, of the elements of presenting that we have studied so far. Your presentation aids should be the same regardless of the delivery method. You should incorporate the same elements of presentation style we have discussed throughout this course. The particular format of your delivery largely depends on the technology your audience has available.In this unit, we examine some common online environments and technical guidelines you should follow to ensure a smooth and professional delivery online.Completing this unit should take you approximately 2 hours.
  • Unit 10: Using Your Presentation Aids: Preparing and Delivering Presentations
    • In unit 6, we discussed how to create or prepare your presentation aids. In this unit, we explore how to use them during your actual presentation. Using your presentation aids successfully involves revealing each slide when it is germane, integrating the material into your speech, concealing your presentation aid as soon as you finish discussing it, and moving on. Do not read your presentation aid verbatim. Be prepared if the technology fails. These rules apply to face-to-face and online presentations.Completing this unit should take you approximately 1 hour.
  • Unit 11: Overcoming Anxiety and Uncertainty Preparing and Delivering Presentations
    • The unpredictable nature of live real-time presentations causes most of us to feel some apprehension before speaking in public. One factor in managing public speaking anxiety is becoming familiar with our responses (physical and psychological) to speaking in public and developing strategies for managing that anxiety. Another important part of managing public speaking anxiety is learning how to control the unexpected things that commonly occur. In this unit, we examine outside factors that affect presentations, such as the audience, question and answer sessions, the location and time, and last-minute changes. This way, we can develop contingency plans to respond appropriately. Completing this unit should take you approximately 1 hour.