Java for Android Week 1 Coursera

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Module 1 Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following are key concepts found in all object-oriented programming languages, according to the lessons in this module?




Lambda expressions

Transactional memory


Question 2
Which of the following are examples of data abstraction features supported by Java, according to the lessons in this module?

if statements

for loops



Question 3
Which of the following is the best definition of an “abstract data type” (ADT), according to the lessons in this module?

An ADT selectively alters the flow of control through an app so it performs different computations based on programmer-specified conditions.

An ADT defines an anonymous method that can be passed as an argument or returned as the value of method calls.

An ADT separates the control flow paths of normal app execution from the control flow paths of anomalous app execution.

An ADT defines a set of data values and a set of operations on these values.

Question 4
Which of the following are accurate descriptions of differences between Java classes and interfaces, according to the lessons in this module?

A Java class can be part of a package, where as a Java interface can’t.

A Java interface cannot be instantiated directly, whereas a class can.

A Java class is a data abstraction mechanism, whereas a Java interface is a control abstraction mechanism

A Java interface provides a subset of the features provided by a Java class.

These are answers of Java for Android Week 1 Coursera course

Question 5
Which of the following are benefits of Java generics, according to the lessons in this module?

They help eliminate unnecessary duplication of code.

They automatically reclaim and recycle objects that are not currently in use by an app.

It separates the control flow paths of normal app execution from the control flow paths of anomalous app execution.

They ensure compile-type safety when operating on different types.

Question 6
Which of the following are benefits of inheritance in Java, according to the lessons in this module?

It provides a namespace for organizing Java code in a logical manner.

It enhances reuse by allowing classes to reuse common state and behavior from other class.

It hides a class’s internal representation to ensure apps using the class can only access its public operations.

It determines the order in which individual statements or method calls are evaluated or run.

Question 7
Which of the following describe the purpose of exception handling in Java, according to the lessons in this module?

It simplifies the management of large software projects by avoiding collisions between classes that have the same common name.

It makes Java apps more robust and easier to understand and evolve.

It enables the repetition of a block containing one or more statements within an app.

It separates the control flow paths of normal app execution from the control flow paths of anomalous app execution.

Question 8
Which of the following describe the purpose of polymorphism in Java, according to the lessons in this module?

It enables transparent customization of methods in a subclass that are inherited from a super class.

It enables the passing of types as parameters to the definition of classes, interfaces, and methods.

See also  Java for Android Week 2 Coursera

It separates the control flow paths of normal app execution from the control flow paths of anomalous app execution.

It defines an anonymous method that can be passed as an argument or returned as the value of method calls.

Question 9
Which of the following are expectations of learners who take this MOOC, according to the lessons in this module?

You are expected to know how to program Java for Android apps.

You are expected you to have a Computer Science degree.

You are expected to be interested in both the concepts and practice of developing mobile apps

You are expected have basic computer literacy skills, such as knowing how to send & receive emails and browse the web.

Question 10
Which of the following are recommended strategies for learning the material covered in this MOOC, according to the lessons in this module?

Follow the links to articles, tutorials, source code, and documentation provided in the lesson slides.

Watch the lessons carefully before taking the quizzes and doing the programming assignments.

Attend Coursera meet up groups near you.

Participate in the online discussion forums.

Module 2 Quiz

Question 1
What version of the Android API are we going to use in this class?

Android API version 29

Android API version 22

Android API version 30

Android API version 28

These are answers of Java for Android Week 1 Coursera course

Question 2
Which Android Studio wizard button will you use to -Open- an existing project?

Start a new Android Studio project

Open an existing Android Studio project

Import project (Gradle, Eclipse ADT, etc.)


Question 3
There is a folder in Android Studio projects called ‘res’. What does ‘res’ mean?

regular expression system




Question 4
By convention which of these names is in proper formatting for a Java class?





Question 5
Bugs(defects) in software can be categorized into two main groups. Which of these match those categories?

Syntax and Logical

Syntax and Grammar

Logical and Highlighting

Highlighting and Grammar

Question 6
In Android Studio what does a word having a red squiggly line under it likely mean?

That word likely has a desire to be a blue line, but it didn’t study enough to get into ‘Squiggly Blue Line School’

That word likely has hurt feelings.

That word likely has too much teen spirit.

That word likely has a syntax error

These are answers of Java for Android Week 1 Coursera course

Question 7
Which of the following is not a step in running our code in the supplied Android app?

Select “app” from the configuration drop-down menu

Select an AVD with API 29 that will run on our computer

Right-click on and select Run

Press the Run button on the tool bar

Question 8
To submit your solution to the auto-grader so that you can receive a grade…

You upload the file to the Coursera server.

You use the submitForGrading gradle task to create that you will upload to the Coursera server.

You will run the supplied unit tests on your computer to grade your submission.

See also  Java for Android Week 3 Coursera

You use the graderPreview gradle task to grade your submission.

Module Quiz 3

Module 3 Quiz
Total points 12
Question 1
What is the value of this expression:

54 % 10 + 6 * 3 % 4




None of the other options


Question 2
Which operator in the following expression will be evaluated first?

2 / (1.0 + 2 * 3) – 2

The multiplication * operator

The division / operator

The addition + operator

The subtraction – operator

These are answers of Java for Android Week 1 Coursera course

Question 3
Overloading is a feature that allows the creation of two or more methods with the same name as long as the parameter lists are different.



Question 4
Given a String object called str, the statement str.toUpperCase(); will change the object to have all uppercase letters:



Question 5
The following string is a legal Java identifier that could be used as a variable name or a method name: _am_I_okay



Question 6
The programmer can manually change data values from one type to another type by an operation called a type-_





Question 7

  1. What is the output produced by running the program below? Read the code carefully before selecting the correct answer.
public void process() {
int x = 22;
out.print(x + " ");
out.print(x + " ");
public static void modify_x (int x) {
x = 99;
out.print(x + " ");

22 22 99

22 22 22

22 99 22

99 22 99

22 99 99

Question 8

  1. Given variable x of type double, which of the following result in a different value being assigned to x?

They are all equivalent; i.e. all assign the same value to x

x = 32/5.0

x = 32.0/5

x = (double)(32/5)

x = 32.0/5.0

These are answers of Java for Android Week 1 Coursera course

Question 9
The following code always prints the value 9:

int x = 8;



Question 10
When calling a method, the name of the actual argument (at the call site) must match the name of the formal parameter used in the method’s parameter list.



Question 11
What reserved word is used to indicate that a method does not return a value?





Question 12
A bit can have __ different values.






package mooc.vandy.java4android.shapes.logic;

import java.util.Locale;

import mooc.vandy.java4android.shapes.ui.OutputInterface;

import static java.lang.String.format;

 * This is where the logic of this App is centralized for this assignment.
 * <p>
 * The assignments are designed this way to simplify your early
 * Android interactions.  Designing the assignments this way allows
 * you to first learn key 'Java' features without having to beforehand
 * learn the complexities of Android.
public class Logic
        implements LogicInterface {
     * This is a String to be used in Logging (if/when you decide you
     * need it for debugging).
    public static final String TAG = Logic.class.getName();

     * This is the variable that stores our OutputInterface instance.
     * <p>
     * This is how we will interact with the User Interface [].
     * <p>
     * It is called 'out' because it is where we 'out-put' our
     * results. (It is also the 'in-put' from where we get values
     * from, but it only needs 1 name, and 'out' is good enough)
    private final OutputInterface mOut;

     * This is the constructor of this class.
     * <p>
     * It assigns the passed in [MainActivity] instance
     * (which implements [OutputInterface]) to 'out'
    public Logic(OutputInterface out) {
        mOut = out;

     * This is the method that will (eventually) get called when the
     * on-screen button labeled 'Process...' is pressed.
    public void process() {
        // Get which calculation should be computed.  Do not worry
        // about the specifics of this right now.
        Shapes shapeForCalculations = mOut.getShape();

        // Store the values returned by the User Interface.
        double mLength = mOut.getLength();
        double mWidth = mOut.getWidth();
        double mHeight = mOut.getHeight();
        double mRadius = mOut.getRadius();

        // Determine which calculation to process right now.  Again,
        // do not worry about the specifics of how this works for now.
        switch (shapeForCalculations) {
            case Box:
                mOut.print("A "
                        + mLength
                        + " by "
                        + mWidth
                        + " by "
                        + mHeight
                        + " box has a volume of: ");
                mOut.println(format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.2f", boxVolume(mLength, mWidth, mHeight)));

                mOut.print("A "
                        + mLength
                        + " by "
                        + mWidth
                        + " by "
                        + mHeight
                        + " box has a surface area of: ");
                mOut.println(format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.2f", boxSurfaceArea(mLength, mWidth, mHeight)));
                // If you are paying attention, you will notice that
                // there is no 'break;' here like there is in other
                // places, meaning that if 'Box' was selected, it will
                // run the two sets of print statements above and the
                // two statements below until the 'break;' statement.
            case Rectangle:
                mOut.print("A "
                        + mLength
                        + " by "
                        + mWidth
                        + " rectangle has a perimeter of: ");
                mOut.println(format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.2f", rectanglePerimeter(mLength, mWidth)));

                mOut.print("A "
                        + mLength
                        + " by "
                        + mWidth
                        + " rectangle has area of: ");
                mOut.println(format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.2f", rectangleArea(mLength, mWidth)));
            case Sphere:
                mOut.print("A sphere with radius " + mRadius + " has a volume of: ");
                mOut.println(format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.2f", sphereVolume(mRadius)));

                mOut.print("A sphere with radius " + mRadius + " has surface area of: ");
                mOut.println(format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.2f", sphereSurfaceArea(mRadius)));
                // Same here as with 'Box' above. If 'Sphere' is picked, it will run the
                // two sets of print statements above and the two below until the 'break;'
            case Circle:
                mOut.print("A circle with radius " + mRadius + " has a perimeter of: ");
                mOut.println(format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.2f", circleCircumference(mRadius)));

                mOut.print("A circle with radius " + mRadius + " has area of: ");
                mOut.println(format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.2f", circleArea(mRadius)));
            case Triangle:
                mOut.print("A right triangle with base "
                        + mLength
                        + " and height "
                        + mWidth + " has a perimeter of: ");
                mOut.println(format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.2f", rightTrianglePerimeter(mLength, mWidth)));

                mOut.print("A right triangle with base "
                        + mLength
                        + " and height "
                        + mWidth
                        + " has area of: ");
                mOut.println(format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.2f", rightTriangleArea(mLength, mWidth)));

    // TODO -- add your code here
    public static double rectangleArea(double length, double width){
        return length*width;

    public static double rectanglePerimeter(double length, double width){
        return 2*(length+width);

    public static double circleArea(double radius){
        return Math.PI*(radius*radius);

    public static double circleCircumference(double radius){
        return 2*Math.PI*radius;

    public static double rightTriangleArea(double base, double height){
        return 0.5*base*height;

    public static double rightTrianglePerimeter(double base, double height){
        double hypotenuse=Math.sqrt(base*base+height*height);
        return base+height+hypotenuse;

    public static double boxVolume(double length, double width, double depth){
        return length*width*depth;

    public static double boxSurfaceArea(double length, double width, double depth){
        return 2*(length*width+width*depth+depth*length);

    public static double sphereVolume(double radius){
        return (4.0/3.0)*Math.PI*Math.pow(radius,3);

    public static double sphereSurfaceArea(double radius){
        return 4*Math.PI*Math.pow(radius,2);


These are answers of Java for Android Week 1 Coursera course

See also  Java for Android Week 4 Coursera

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