Design and analysis of algorithms Nptel Week 5 Quiz Answers

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Design and analysis of algorithms Week 5 Quiz Answers

Design and analysis of algorithms Week 5 Quiz Answers (Jan-Apr 2025)

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  1. What is the best upper bound you can estimate for the total time taken across all the updates made by the function?
    A. O(N²)
    B. O(N² log N)
    C. O(N³)
    D. O(N³ log N)
    Answer: View Answer

  1. What would be the complexity of the operation reassign(j, k) in the Union-Find data structure?
    A. O(1) for both the array representation and the pointer representation.
    B. O(1) for the array representation, but not O(1) for the pointer representation.
    C. O(1) for the pointer representation, but not O(1) for the array representation.
    D. Not O(1) for either the array representation or the pointer representation.
    Answer: View Answer

  1. What is the most accurate description of the worst-case complexity of find_max in a min-heap?
    A. O(1)
    B. O(log n)
    C. O(n)
    D. O(n log n)
    Answer: View Answer

  1. What was the structure of the max-heap before inserting 57 if the resulting heap is [82,57,27,42,25,18,25,27,32]?
    A. [82,42,32,27,25,18,25,27]
    B. [82,27,42,32,25,18,25,27]
    C. [82,42,27,25,32,18,25,27]
    D. [82,42,27,32,25,18,25,27]
    Answer: View Answer

  1. Consider an alternative to binary search called ternary search that divides the input array into three equal parts and recursively searches one of these three segments. What can we say about the asymptotic worst-case complexity of ternary search versus binary search?
    A. The complexity of ternary search is the same as that of binary search.
    B. The complexity of binary search is strictly better than that of ternary search.
    C. The complexity of ternary search is strictly better than that of binary search.
    D. The relative complexity of ternary and binary search depends on the distribution of values across the array.
    Answer: View Answer
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