Data Mining Week 2 Nptel Assignment Answers
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Data Mining Week 2 Nptel Assignment Answers (Jan-Apr 2025)
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1. If a supermarket has L items, the number of possible itemsets is:
A. 2L-1
B. 2L-1
C. L/2
D. L-1
2. Consider an association rule of the form A® B, where A and B are itemsets. Support of the rule is defined as:
A. Fraction of transactions that contain both A and B
B. Fraction of transactions that contain A
C. Fraction of transactions that contain B
D. None of the above
3. A store sells 7 items. Maximum possible number of candidate 3-itemsets is:
A. 15
B. 25
C. 35
D. 45
4. An itemset satisfying the support criterion is known as:
A. Frequent itemset
B. Confident itemset
C. Accurate itemset
D. Reliable itemset
5. If A, B are two sets of items, and A⊆ B. Which of the following statement is always true?:
A. support(A) ≤ support(B)
B. support(A) ≥ support(B)
C. support(A) = support(B)
D. support(A) ≠ support(B)
6. Consider the itemset {A, B, C, D}. Which of the following statements is always true?
A. confidence(ABC ® D)≥ confidence(AB ® CD)
B. confidence(ABC ® D) ≥ confidence(AB ®D)
C. confidence(ABC ® D) ≤confidence(AB ®CD)
D. confidence(ABC ® D) ≤ confidence(AB ®D)
7. Consider three itemsets V1 = {tomato, potato, onion}, V2 = {tomato, potato}, V3 = {tomato}. Which of the following statements are correct?
A. support(V1) > support(V2)
B. support(V3) > support(V2)
C. support(V1) > support(V3)
D. none of the above
8. In the following data table, what is the support of the itemset {b, c}?
Transaction ID | Itemsets |
1 | {a, b, d, e} |
2 | {b, c, d} |
3 | {a, b, d, e} |
4 | {a, c, d, e} |
5 | {b, c, d, e} |
6 | {b, d, c} |
7 | {c, d} |
8 | {a, b, c} |
9 | {a, d, e} |
10 | {b, c} |
A. 0.1
B. 0.3
C. 0.5
D. 0.7
9. In the following data table, what is the confidence of the rule b®c?
Transaction ID | Itemsets |
1 | {a, b, d, e} |
2 | {b, c, d} |
3 | {a, b, d, e} |
4 | {a, c, d, e} |
5 | {b, c, d, e} |
6 | {b, d, c} |
7 | {c, d} |
8 | {a, b, c} |
9 | {a, d, e} |
10 | {b, c} |
A. 2/7
B. 3/7
C. 4/7
D. 5/7
10. In the following data table, if the support threshold is (greater than or equal to) 0.2 the frequent 4-itemsets are:
Transaction ID | Itemsets |
1 | {a, b, d, e} |
2 | {b, c, d} |
3 | {a, b, d, e} |
4 | {a, c, d, e} |
5 | {b, c, d, e} |
6 | {b, d, c} |
7 | {c, d} |
8 | {a, b, c} |
9 | {a, d, e} |
10 | {b, c} |
A. {a, b, c, d}
B. {a, b, c, e}
C. {a, c, d, e}
D. {a, b, d, e}
11. In the following data table, if the support threshold is (greater than or equal to) 0.2, and confidence threshold is (greater than or equal to) 0.9, valid association rules are:
Transaction ID | Itemsets |
1 | {a, b, d, e} |
2 | {b, c, d} |
3 | {a, b, d, e} |
4 | {a, c, d, e} |
5 | {b, c, d, e} |
6 | {b, d, c} |
7 | {c, d} |
8 | {a, b, c} |
9 | {a, d, e} |
10 | {b, c} |
A. {a,b,d} ® e
B. {a, b}®{d, e}
C. a®{b, d, e}
D. b ®{a, d, e}
Data Mining Week 2 Nptel Assignment Answers
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