Computer Graphics NPTEL Assignment 2 Answers

Course Name: Computer Graphics NPTEL

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These are the solution of Computer Graphics NPTEL Assignment 2 Answers

Q1. Space-partitioning methods include techniques such as constructive solid geometry.

a. True

b. False

Answer: a. True

Q2. Quadric surfaces refers to those objects, which (or the surface of which) are described with degree 3 equations (i.e., cubic equations).

a. True

b. False

Answer: b. False

Q3. The idea of fitting a set of control points with several polynomials to generate curve is called _________.

a. Spline

b. Point

c. Boundary

Answer: a. True

Q4. De Casteljau algorithm used to generate ________.

a. Bezier line

b. Bezier curves

c. Bezier surface

d. Bezier control point

Answer: b. False

Q5. Techniques that represent an object by representing the individual object surfaces are ____________.

a. Point sample representation

b. Boundary representation

c. Sweep representation

Answer: b. Boundary representation

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Q6. Natural cubic splines are examples of interpolating splines

a. True

b. False

Answer: a. True

Q7. Natural cubic spline are made up of pieces of __________________ degree polynomial.

a. first

b. second

c. third

d. fourth

Answer: c. third

Q8. Spline refers to ___________________ of several polynomials.

a. difference

b. joining

c. division

d. multiplication

Answer: b. joining

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Q9. To represent a blobby object a suitable combination of Gaussian density functions is used. The Gaussian density function is characterized by two parameters: height and __________________.

a. length

See also  Computer Graphics NPTEL Assignment 6 Answers

b. standard error

c. standard deviation

d. blobby factor

Answer: c. standard deviation

Q10. There are two types of continuity conditions: parametric continuity and __________ continuity. (fill in the blank)


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These are the solution of Computer Graphics NPTEL Assignment 2 Answers