Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge Representation And Reasoning Week 6 Answer
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AI Knowledge Representation And Reasoning Week 6 Answer (Jan-Apr 2025)
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- Which of the following are Horn clauses?
a) ¬R(?x,?y) ∨ ¬P(?x) ∧ Q(?y)
b) ¬R(?x,?y) ∨ P(?x)
c) P(?x) ∨ ¬Q(?y)
d) ¬P(?x)
e) ¬R(?x,?y) ∧ ¬P(?x)
f) Null Clause
- Select the true statements.
a) Any CNF formula can be expressed as a set of Horn clauses.
b) Any FOL formula can be expressed as a CNF formula.
c) Any FOL formula can be expressed as a set of Horn clauses.
d) A Horn clause program is a CNF formula.
e) A Horn clause program is a FOL formula.
- Which of the following sentences can be expressed as Horn clause programs?
S1: ((¬P ∨ ¬Q) ⊃ R) ∧ (¬S ⊃ R)
S2: ((¬P ∨ ¬Q) ⊃ ¬R) ∧ (S ⊃ R)
a) Only S1
b) Only S2
c) Both S1 and S2
d) Neither S1 nor S2
- Which of the sentences in the previous question can be expressed in clause form?
a) Only S1
b) Only S2
c) Both S1 and S2
d) Neither S1 nor S2
- Each option shows a pair of predicates expressed in SWI Prolog syntax. Identify the pairs that are unifiable.
a) p(23); p(6);
b) p(23); p(X*3);
c) q(h(a,X),X); q(Y,h(b,c));
d) r([a,f(a)],[Z,f(Z)]); r([X,Y],[f(X),f(Y)]);
e) s([a,f(a)],[f(Z),Z]); s([X,Y],[f(X),f(Y)]);
- SLD resolution is the only proof method for Horn clauses.
a) True
b) False
c) Cannot be determined
- Which of the following queries produce the same (identical) binding for Y?
?- p([4,2,-3],Y).
?- q([4,2,-3],Y).
?- r([4,2,-3],Y).
?- s([4,2,-3],Y).
- Select the predicate that defines the length of a list L as a number N.
a) ?- p(L,N).
b) ?- q(L,N).
c) ?- r(L,N).
d) ?- t(L,N).
- Select the predicate that defines the sum of the elements in a list L as a number N.
a) ?- p(L,N).
b) ?- q(L,N).
c) ?- r(L,N).
d) ?- t(L,N).
- Which of the following query/queries return true?
?- p([1,2,3],[1,2,3,4,5]).
?- q([1,2,3],[1,2,3,4,5]).
?- r([1,2,3],[1,2,3,4,5]).
?- s([1,2,3],[1,2,3,4,5]).
- Select the predicate that defines list X as a prefix of list Y. (For example, “EAR” is a prefix of “EARTH”.)
a) p(X,Y)
b) q(X,Y)
c) r(X,Y)
d) s(X,Y)
- Select the predicate that defines list X as a sublist of list Y. (For example, “ART” is a substring of “EARTH”.)
a) p(X,Y)
b) q(X,Y)
c) r(X,Y)
d) s(X,Y)
Nptel AI Knowledge Representation And Reasoning Week 6 Answer (Jan-Apr 2025)
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