Adobe Acrobat Linkedin Skill Assessments Quizzes

Topic: Adobe Acrobat Linkedin Skill Assessments Quizzes Solution

Adobe Acrobat

Q1. In previous versions of Acrobat, you could mark a comment with a check mark, without having to use a drop-down menu. How can you restore this efficient functionality when using a newer version of Acrobat?

  • Preferences > identity
  • Preferences > Reviewing
  • Preferences > Reading
  • Preferences > Commenting

Answer: Preferences > Commenting

Q2. A PDF containing complex engineering drawings is failing to print completely. The printing device is an older model with a small amount of RAM. What setting might enable you to print the complex file without error?

  • Print as image
  • Auto-orientation
  • Print in grayscale
  • Custom scale

Answer: Print as image

Q3. Your client asks you to export their PDF brochure to multiple formats for various uses. However, you discover that you cannot meet one of their requests. Which is a format to which you CANNOT export?

  • JPEG
  • TIFF
  • EPS
  • SVG

Answer: SVG

Topic: Adobe Acrobat Linkedin Skill Assessments Quizzes Solution

Q4. After you finish creating form fields for a complicated form, the client submits a new PDF, with color changes, a new logo, and minor text edits. What is the most efficient way to incorporate the new artwork?

  • Prepare Form
  • Compare Files
  • Edit PDF
  • Organize Pages > Replace

Answer: Organize Pages > Replace

  • Tools > Organize Pages > Split Document
  • Tools > Index
  • Tools > Edit PDF > Crop Pages
  • Tools > Optimize PDF

Answer: Tools > Organize Pages > Split Document

Q6. You would like to use Bookmarks to navigate a PDF, but the Bookmarks panel is not available. Why would that panel be unavailable?

  • The PDF does not contain any articles.
  • You are viewing the PDF in a web browser.
  • The file creator did not give the article a title.
  • You are viewing the PDF in Adobe Reader.

Answer: You are viewing the PDF in a web browser.

Topic: Adobe Acrobat Linkedin Skill Assessments Quizzes Solution

Q7. As you examine large engineering documents, you would like to have the Marquee Zoom tool easily available all the time. What is the fastest way to add the Marquee Zoom tool to Common Tools?

  • Right-click in the toolbar and select Show Page Navigation Tools.
  • Right-click in the toolbar and select Show Page Display Tools.
  • Right-click in the toolbar and select Show Select & Zoom.
  • Right-click in the toolbar and select Customize Quick Tools.

Answer: Right-click in the toolbar and select Show Select & Zoom.

Q8. A person at a printing service provider is having difficulty printing a PDF due to font issues. Where can the person find out which fonts are used in the document?

  • Tools > Action Wizard
  • Tools > Print Production
  • File > Export To > Microsoft Word
  • File > Properties
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Answer: File > Properties

Q9. To work more efficiently, you would like to create a shortcut in the tools pane, to the right of the document window, that includes multiple operations, such as Edit PDF, Organize Pages, and Export PDF. Which feature will let you accomplish this?

  • Action Wizard
  • Optimize PDF
  • Create Custom Tool
  • Customize Quick Tools

Answer: Action Wizard

Topic: Adobe Acrobat Linkedin Skill Assessments Quizzes Solution

Q10. You are printing a PDF of an instruction manual. On some pages the only content is a video, but you would like a visual representation of the video area in the printed version. Which option in the Print dialog box will ensure that the video areas will print?

  • More Options
  • Document and Markups
  • Advanced > Output
  • Document and Stamps

Answer: Advanced > Output

Q11. In an effort to clean up a PDF form, you wish to align the top edges of a row of five fields. You used the Select tool (black arrow) to drag around the fields to select them all. You want to align all the fields to the top edge of the fifth field. How can you do that?

  • Alt-click (Windows) or Option-Click (Mac) in the fifth field to make it the origin field.
  • Click once more in the fifth field to make it the origin field.
  • Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac) in the fifth field to make it the origin field.
  • Shift-click in the fifth field to make it the origin field.

Answer: Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac) in the fifth field to make it the origin field.

Q12. You prefer seeing documents in the single document view, rather than in the tabbed document view. To accomplish this, you went to Edit > Preferences > General, and then cleared the check box for the tabbed preference. However, PDFs are still opening as tabs. How can you resolve this issue?

  • Reboot your computer.
  • Switch from Tools view to Home view.
  • Close any open files, then reopen the files.
  • Restart Acrobat.

Answer: Restart Acrobat.

Topic: Adobe Acrobat Linkedin Skill Assessments Quizzes Solution

Q13. Using Adobe Sign, you would like to send a document for two colleagues to approve. However, when you attempt to add the document to the files to be sent for signature, that file type is grayed out. What file type is not eligible for Adobe Sign?

  • GIF
  • JPEG
  • BMP
  • PSD

Answer: PSD

Q14. To ensure that users of older versions of Adobe Reader can fill and save forms, you chose File > Save As Other > Reader Extended PDF. Now you need to make further edits to the form. You have not applied any form security to the file, but you see an alert, “You cannot edit this file as a form due to its security settings.” What method can you use to edit the form?

  • File > Properties > Custom
  • File > Save a Copy
  • Preferences > Forms
  • File > Properties > Advanced

Answer: File > Properties > Advanced

Q15. Users submitted forms to you via email. Some files are .fdf (forms data format), and some files are .pdf documents. Which method will let you combine all the data into a .csv file?

  • Prepare Form > Fields
  • Prepare Form > Document Actions
  • Prepare Form > Document JavaScripts
  • Prepare Form > More
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Answer: Prepare Form > Document JavaScripts

Topic: Adobe Acrobat Linkedin Skill Assessments Quizzes Solution

Q16. You turn around the files that you edit fairly quickly, and you edit many files. As a result, the long list of recent files in the Home view has become cumbersome. Where can you customize the number of recent files listed in the Home view?

  • Preferences > Page Display
  • Preferences > Reading
  • Preferences > General
  • Preferences > Documents

Answer: Preferences > Documents

Q17. You are about to submit a client’s PDF to a commercial printer. However, at the last minute, you discover a blemish in one of the images in the PDF, which the client requested that you fix. With no access to the original file, how can you do this?

  • Select Tools > Edit PDF, right-click the image, and select the Edit Using option.
  • Select Tools > Enhance Scans > Enhance Camera Image.
  • Select Tools > Enhance Scans > Enhance Scanned Document.
  • Right-click the image and select Add Image.

Answer: Select Tools > Edit PDF, right-click the image, and select the Edit Using option.

Q18. You receive a PDF of a manuscript to be printed as an on-demand book. The writer also sent a new, single-page PDF to be added to the manuscript as the book’s cover. Where can you go to accomplish this ?

  • Tools > Compare Files
  • Tools > Organize Pages
  • Tools > Edit PDF
  • Tools > Action Wizard

Answer: Tools > Organize Pages

Topic: Adobe Acrobat Linkedin Skill Assessments Quizzes Solution

Q19. In the PDF form you are creating for a client, you are asked to create a drop-down field containing the list of states in the United States. The client requests that the field dispaly the instructional text “Select your state” as a default choice when the form is opened. How can you ensure that the instructional text is diaplyed by default in the drop-down field?

  • Select the instructional text entry in the Dropdown Properties dialog box.
  • Choose commit Selected Value Immediately in the Dropdown Properties dialog box.
  • Choose Sort Items in the Dropdown Properties dialog box.
  • Choose Format Category > Special in the Dropdown Properties dialog box.

Answer: Select the instructional text entry in the Dropdown Properties dialog box.

Q20. To streamline index creation for a collection of academic documents, which option would result in a smaller index and thus faster searching for the user?

  • Structure Tags
  • XMP Fields
  • Custom Properties
  • Stop Words

Answer: Stop Words


Q21. You create a PDF portfolio, and you would like to add encryption, without having to deal with each individual file. To encrypt a complete portfolio with a certificate, to verify via digital signature, where would you go to start?

  • Tools > Protect
  • Tools > Certificates
  • View > Portfolio Cover Sheet
  • Tools > Action Wizard

Answer: Tools > Action Wizard

Topic: Adobe Acrobat Linkedin Skill Assessments Quizzes Solution

Q22. You must prepare a PDF to meet the accessibility requirements of Section 508 compliance for a government agency. You have determined that there are some problems with the file which prevent it from passing accessibility tests. Where would you go to quickly to those issues and make the PDF accessible?

  • Tools > Edit PDF
  • Tools > Accessibility
  • Tools > Action Wizard
  • Tools > PDF Standards
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Answer: Tools > Action Wizard


Q23. In a fillable form, you would like the user to be able to enter their own text in a multi-choice form field, if none of the existing choices in the form field are suitable. Which type of form field would provide this option?

  • a list box field
  • a multi-line text field
  • a drop-down field
  • a text field with rich text formatting

Answer: Update Soon

Q24. A client sent a PDF to be included as a page in a book you are designing. The client misspelled several words in the PDF. The PDF is a scan of text. What can you do to fix the misspelled words?

  • Tools > Organize Pages
  • Tools > Accessibility
  • Took > Edit PDF
  • File > Export to > Microsoft Word

Answer: File > Export to > Microsoft Word

Topic: Adobe Acrobat Linkedin Skill Assessments Quizzes Solution

Q25. You would like to convert a layered Visio file to PDF. However, that option is not available. How can you control the conversion of Visio layers to layers in the exported PDF?

  • Click Create Layer Set.
  • Click Add Layers.
  • Deselect the Convert All Pages in Drawing option.
  • Select Retain Some Layers in the Selected Page.

Answer: Update Soon

Q26. A small section of a 28-page PDF has been updated with new image and given to you as a 3-page PDF. You have both PDFs open in Acrobat. Before you update the 28-page file with the new pages, you need to verify that the text is unchanged. What is the best way to do this?

  • From the 28-page PDF, extract and save the three pages as a new PDF. For each of the two three-page PDFs, choose File > Export to > Text (Plain).
  • Arrange the two PDFs in side-by-side windows in Acrobat. Scroll to the first page of the section in the larger PDF, and compare the visually, line by line.
  • Go to View > Compare Files and choose Text Only. Then, in Settings, edit the Compare Page Range field of the larger document so that it is the same three-page range. Then click Compare.
  • Select the original text in the 3-page section of the 28-page PDF and copy it to the clipboard. Then, paste it into the new 3-page PDF, replacing all of it text.

Answer: Update Soon

Q27. You need to send multiple documents to a potential client, and you would like to add security to all of the documents at once. What is the easiest method?

  • Portfolio
  • LiveCycle Rights Management
  • Security Envelope
  • Email Review

Answer: Update Soon

Topic: Adobe Acrobat Linkedin Skill Assessments Quizzes Solution

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Topic: Adobe Acrobat Linkedin Skill Assessments Quizzes Solution