Unit 2 (BIO)

Quiz 1

Which is not a function of the cerebrospinal fluid?
It cushions the brain.
It increases pressure at the base of the brain.
It protects the central nervous system.
It fills the subarachnoid space.

It increases pressure at the base of the brain.

carry electrical impulses
are found only in neurons with myelin sheaths
are produced by muscles
are signal molecules released at synapses

are signal molecules released at synapses

Glucose reacted with oxygen and catalyzed in the presence of?
glucose oxidase
glucose monooxidase
glucose dioxidase

glucose oxidase

The difference in voltage between the inside and outside of a resting cell is called
resting potential
action potential

resting potential

Quiz 2

What is the primary purpose of the spinal cord?
to facilitate the communication between the two hemispheres
to transmit electrical signals between the brain and the rest of the body
to transmit electrical signals around the brain
to produce hormones and neurotransmitters

to transmit electrical signals between the brain and the rest of the body

The central nervous system consists of the
spinal nerves only
brain stem and the cerebellum
cerebrum and the spinal column
brain and spinal cord

brain and spinal cord

Which is not a function of the cerebrospinal fluid?
It cushions the brain.
It increases pressure at the base of the brain.
It protects the central nervous system.
It fills the subarachnoid space.

It increases pressure at the base of the brain.

Interactions between neurons commonly occur across junctions called
Myelin sheath


Surprise Test

The change in electrical charge that occurs in a neuron when a nerve impulse is transmitted is known as the:
action potential
synaptic change
refractory period
ionic charge

action potential

What do we call the layer of fatty tissue surrounding the axon of some neurons?
cutaneous coating
myelin sheath
dendritic barrier
synaptic sleeve

myelin sheath

Which of the following is NOT a lobe of the brain?


Communication within neurons is __, communication between neurons is.
excitatory, inhibitory
inhibitory, excitatory
chemical, electrical
electrical, chemical

electrical, chemical

Where would you find taste buds?
on the tongue
on the walls of the mouth
at the back of the throat
all of the above

  • pending

Sensation is to as perception is to .
vision, olfaction
conscious, unconscious
awareness, interpretation
taste, vision

awareness, interpretation

Enzymes are polymers of
Hexose group
Amino acids
Fatty acids
None of these

Amino acids

The General Mechanism is that an Enzyme Acts By:
Reducing the activation energy
Increasing activation energy
Decreasing pH value
Increasing the pH value

Reducing the activation energy

Without the nervous system, you couldn’t
All of the above

All of the above

The nervous system is made up of these three parts:
Brain, heart, and spinal cord
Brain, spinal cord, and nerves
Nerves, arteries, and veins
Nerves, liver, and heart

Brain, spinal cord, and nerves

Which part of the body is the control center for the nervous system?
Spinal cord


Which part of the brain helps keep your balance so you don’t fall flat on your face?
Medulla oblongata
Pituitary gland
Spinal cord


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