3374. First Letter Capitalization II LeetCode Solution

In this guide, you will get 3374. First Letter Capitalization II LeetCode Solution with the best time and space complexity. The solution to First Letter Capitalization II problem is provided in various programming languages like C++, Java, and Python. This will be helpful for you if you are preparing for placements, hackathons, interviews, or practice purposes. The solutions provided here are very easy to follow and include detailed explanations.

Table of Contents

  1. Problem Statement
  2. Complexity Analysis
  3. First Letter Capitalization II solution in C++
  4. First Letter Capitalization II solution in Java
  5. First Letter Capitalization II solution in Python
  6. Additional Resources
3374. First Letter Capitalization II LeetCode Solution image

Problem Statement of First Letter Capitalization II

Table: user_content

| Column Name | Type |
| content_id | int |
| content_text| varchar |
content_id is the unique key for this table.
Each row contains a unique ID and the corresponding text content.

Write a solution to transform the text in the content_text column by applying the following rules:

Convert the first letter of each word to uppercase and the remaining letters to lowercase
Special handling for words containing special characters:

For words connected with a hyphen -, both parts should be capitalized (e.g., top-rated → Top-Rated)

All other formatting and spacing should remain unchanged

Return the result table that includes both the original content_text and the modified text following the above rules.
The result format is in the following example.


user_content table:

| content_id | content_text |
| 1 | hello world of SQL |
| 2 | the QUICK-brown fox |
| 3 | modern-day DATA science |
| 4 | web-based FRONT-end development |


| content_id | original_text | converted_text |
| 1 | hello world of SQL | Hello World Of Sql |
| 2 | the QUICK-brown fox | The Quick-Brown Fox |
| 3 | modern-day DATA science | Modern-Day Data Science |
| 4 | web-based FRONT-end development | Web-Based Front-End Development |

See also  3316. Find Maximum Removals From Source String LeetCode Solution


For content_id = 1:

Each word’s first letter is capitalized: “Hello World Of Sql”

For content_id = 2:

Contains the hyphenated word “QUICK-brown” which becomes “Quick-Brown”
Other words follow normal capitalization rules

For content_id = 3:

Hyphenated word “modern-day” becomes “Modern-Day”
“DATA” is converted to “Data”

For content_id = 4:

Contains two hyphenated words: “web-based” → “Web-Based”
And “FRONT-end” → “Front-End”

Example not found

Constraints not found

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: Google AdSense
  • Space Complexity: Google Analytics

3374. First Letter Capitalization II LeetCode Solution in C++

  Words AS (
    -- Extract the first word and assign a token index.
      SUBSTRING_INDEX(content_text, ' ', 1) AS word,
        LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(content_text, ' ', 1)) + 2
      ) AS remaining_text,
AS token_index
    FROM user_content
    -- Recursively extract the next word and increment the token index.
      SUBSTRING_INDEX(remaining_text, ' ', 1) AS word,
        LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(remaining_text, ' ', 1)) + 2
      ) AS remaining_text,
      token_index + 1 AS token_index
    FROM Words
    WHERE remaining_text != ''
  Converted AS (
    -- Combine the words back in original order with proper capitalization.
          word LIKE '%-%',
            UPPER(SUBSTRING(word, 1, 1)),
            LOWER(SUBSTRING(word, 2, LOCATE('-', word) - 2)),
            UPPER(SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING_INDEX(word, '-', -1), 1, 1)),
            LOWER(SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING_INDEX(word, '-', -1), 2))
            UPPER(SUBSTRING(word, 1, 1)),
            LOWER(SUBSTRING(word, 2))
        ORDER BY token_index SEPARATOR ' '
      ) AS converted_text
    FROM Words
    GROUP BY 1
  UserContent.content_text AS original_text,
FROM user_content AS UserContent
INNER JOIN Converted
  USING (content_id);
/* code provided by PROGIEZ */

3374. First Letter Capitalization II LeetCode Solution in Java

// code provided by PROGIEZ

3374. First Letter Capitalization II LeetCode Solution in Python

# code by PROGIEZ

Additional Resources

See also  1696. Jump Game VI LeetCode Solution

Happy Coding! Keep following PROGIEZ for more updates and solutions.