Data Mining Week 4 Nptel Assignment Answers

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Data Mining Week 4 Nptel Assignment Answers
Data Mining Week 4 Nptel Assignment Answers

Data Mining Week 4 Nptel Assignment Answers (Jan-Apr 2025)

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Q1. Maximum a posteriori classifier is also known as:

a) Decision tree classifier
b) Bayes classifier
c) Gaussian classifier
d) Maximum margin classifier

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Q2. If we are provided with an infinite-sized training set, which of the following classifiers will have the lowest error probability?

a) Decision tree
b) K-nearest neighbor classifier
c) Bayes classifier
d) Support vector machine

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Q3. Let A be an example, and C be a class. The probability P(C|A) is known as:

a) Apriori probability
b) Aposteriori probability
c) Class conditional probability
d) None of the above

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Q4. Let A be an example, and C be a class. The probability P(C) is known as:

a) Apriori probability
b) Aposteriori probability
c) Class conditional probability
d) None of the above

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Q5. A bank classifies its customers into two classes, “fraud” and “normal,” based on their installment payment behavior. Given:

  • P(fraud) = 0.20
  • P(default) = 0.40
  • P(default | fraud) = 0.80

What is the probability of a customer who defaults in payment being a fraud?

a) 0.80
b) 0.60
c) 0.40
d) 0.20

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Q6. Consider two binary attributes X and Y. Given:

  • P(X=1) = 0.6
  • P(Y=0) = 0.4

What is the probability that both X and Y have values 1?

a) 0.06
b) 0.16
c) 0.26
d) 0.36

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Q7. Consider a binary classification problem with two classes C1 and C2. Class labels of ten training set instances sorted in increasing order of their distance to an instance x are:
{C1, C2, C1, C2, C2, C2, C1, C2, C1, C2}.

See also  Introduction to Database Systems Week 4 Quiz Answers Nptel

How will a K=7 nearest neighbor classifier classify x?

a) There will be a tie
b) C1
c) C2
d) Not enough information to classify

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Q8. Given the following training set for a classification problem into two classes “fraud” and “normal.”


What is the estimated apriori probability P(fraud) of the class fraud?

a) 0.2
b) 0.4
c) 0.6
d) 0.8

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Q9. Given the same training set as above, what is the estimated class conditional probability P(A1=1, A2=1 | fraud)?

a) 0.25
b) 0.50
c) 0.75
d) 1.00

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Q10. The Bayes classifier classifies the instance (A1=1, A2=1) into which class?

a) fraud
b) normal
c) There will be a tie
d) Not enough information to classify

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Data Mining Week 4 Nptel Assignment Answers

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