Mobile Development and JavaScript | Module 5

Course Name: Mobile Development and JavaScript

Course Link: Mobile Development and JavaScript

These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Programming Assignment: Little Lemon Receipt Maker

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Module 5 Quiz: Final Graded Quiz: Programming with JavaScript

Q1. What will be the output of the following JavaScript?

const a = 10; 
const b = 5; 
if(a == 7 || b == 5) {
else {
  • Nothing
  • Blue
  • syntaxError
  • Green

Answer: Green

Q2. What will be the output of the following JavaScript?

var message = "Hello"; 
message += " World!"; 
message = "Goodbye!"; 
  • Goodbye!
  • World!
  • Hello
  • Hello World!

Answer: Goodbye!

Q3. What will be the output of the following JavaScript?

var x = true;
x = 23; 
  • undefined
  • true
  • rangeError
  • 23

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Q4. What is the data type of the x variable in the following code?
var x = “Hello”;

  • BigInt
  • Number
  • String
  • Boolean

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Q5. What is the data type of the x variable in the following code?
var x = 0 != 1;

  • String
  • BigInt
  • Number
  • Boolean

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Q6. What is the data type of the x variable in the following code?
var x = 23.2;

  • Boolean
  • Number
  • String
  • BigInt

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Q7. What will the following JavaScript code output?

var x = 20; 
if(x >= 10) {
else if(x <= 5) {
else { console.log("Orange"); }
  • undefined
  • Orange
  • Apple
  • Pear

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Q8. What will the following JavaScript code output?

var x = 10; 
if(x > 10) {
else if(x > 5) { 
else {
  • Pear
  • Orange
  • undefined
  • Apple

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Q9. What will the following JavaScript code output?

var result = 0; 
var i = 0; 
var limit = 3; 
while(i < limit) {
    result += 2; i++; 
  • 2
  • 6
  • 3
  • 0

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Q10. What will the following JavaScript code output?

var result = 0; 
var i = 4; 
while(i > 0) {
    result += 2; i--; 
  • 8
  • 4
  • 2
  • 0

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Q11. When the following code runs, what will print out?
try { throw new Error(); console.log(‘Square’); }
catch(err) { console.log(‘Circle’); }

  • Circle
  • undefined
  • sytaxError
  • Square

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Q12. What will the following JavaScript code output?
var result = 7;

  • 7
  • null
  • undefined
  • result()

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Q13. What’s missing from this JavaScript function declaration?
{ return a + b } 

  • The function name.
  • The assignment operator.
  • The dot notation.
  • The bracket notation.

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Q14. In the following JavaScript code snippet, what is missing for the code to return the value 15?
function addTwo(a,b) { return a }

  • Attribute
  • Bracket notation
  • +b in the return statement.

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Q15. What is the output of the code below?

var cat = {} 
cat["sound"] = "meow"; 
var catSound = "purr";
  • catSound
  • meow
  • {}
  • purr

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Q16. What is the output of the code below?

var cat = {} 
cat.sound = "meow"; 
var catSound = "purr" 
  • {}
  • purr
  • catSound
  • meow

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Q17. True or False: The pop method will remove the last item in an array.

  • True
  • False

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Q18. True or False: The second argument passed to the addEventListener function is the function that handles the event when triggered.

  • False
  • True

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Q19. What is the first argument passed to the addEventListener function?

  • A string describing the type of event (such as, ‘click’).
  • A function that will handle the event.
  • The name of the method.
  • The target of the event.

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Q20. How do you create a new h2 element using JavaScript?

  • With document.addElement(‘h2’)
  • With document.createElement(‘h2’)
  • With document.buildElement(‘h2’)

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Q21. What does this line of code do?
document.createElement(‘h2’).innerText = “Heading Level 2”

  • It adds an inner-text HTML attribute to the h2 element.
  • This syntax is invalid.
  • It adds “Heading level 2” to the innerText class.
  • It creates an h2 element without adding it to the page.

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Q22. What does this code do?
function addFive(val) { return val + 5; }; 
module.exports = addFive; 

  • It defines the addFive function and exports it as a Node module so that it can be used in other files.
  • It allows you to invoke the addFive function without the parentheses.
  • This syntax is invalid.
  • It allows you to invoke the addFive function without writing unnecessary code.

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Q23. What part of the following code should be changed for the code to run correctly.
const addFive = require(‘./addFive.js’)

  • .js should be replaced with .node.
  • addFive should be a function.
  • (‘./addFive.js’) should be in brackets.
  • .js is unnecessary after addFive.

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Q24. DevTools console is frequently used to perform what function?

  • Testing your code.
  • Installing npm.
  • Downloading packages.
  • Running Javascript in a web browser.

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Q25. What web browser tool can you use to run Javascript?

  • GUI
  • console.log
  • Package manager
  • DevTools Console

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Q26. /* Comment */ is used to indicate which of the following information types in Javascript?

  • unfinished code
  • multi-line comments
  • inline comments
  • test code

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Q27. Which of the following comments is the correct syntax for an inline comment?

  • // Comment 2
  • \ Comment 1
  • ## ## Comment 3 ##
  • /* * Comment 4 */

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Q28. Which of the following selections is not a data type?

  • booleans
  • numbers
  • function
  • string

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Q29. Which data type is used to store a true or false value?

  • function
  • numbers
  • booleans
  • string

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Q30. Which data type is used to store the value “Welcome to Javascript!”?

  • numbers
  • booleans
  • function
  • string

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Q31. Which statement describes the difference between == and ===?

  • == is used for numbers and === is used for strings.
  • == operator compares the values as well as the data types of the operands.
  • === operator compares the values as well as the data types of the operands and == symbol is used to assign variables.
  • There is no difference between == and ===.

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Q32. What is unit testing?

  • Unit testing gives you an efficiency rating for your code measured in units.
  • Unit testing tries to imitate how a user might interact with your app.
  • Unit testing revolves around the idea of having separate, small pieces of code that are easy to test.
  • Unit testing is testing how parts of your system interact with other parts of our system.

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Q33. Having separate, small pieces of code that are easy to test describes what type of testing?

  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • End-to-end testing
  • Post-hoc testing

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Q34. True or False: End-to-end testing is the fastest and least expensive type of testing.

  • False
  • True.

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Q35. Which statement best describes End-to-end testing (e2e)?

  • End-to-end testing revolves around the idea of having separate, small pieces of code that are easy to test.
  • End-to-end testing is a comprehensive test that starts at the beginning of your code and runs to the end.
  • End-to-end testing tries to imitate how a user might interact with your application.
  • End-to-end testing is testing how parts of your system interact with other parts of our system.

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Q36. True or False: You can install packages from the npm repository using the node command.

  • True
  • False

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Q37. Which statement best describes the function of package.json?

  • Turn your code into an application.
  • Download npm packages.
  • Store all the dependencies required for application.
  • Store all the testing code.

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Q38. True or False: If you build a project with multiple node packages, they will all be listed inside the package.json file.

  • True
  • False

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Q39. Which feature is used to mock data in Javascript?

  • Jest Snapshot
  • Jest Fakes
  • Jest Mock functions
  • External mock libraries

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Q40. Which statement does not describe the process of mocking?

  • You can test the front end functionality of your web app by mocking the data as if it came back from a server.
  • Mocking is a substitute for testing.
  • Mocks allow you to pretend that users are already there if the backend hasn’t been built yet.
  • Mocking allows you to separate the code that you are testing from its related dependencies.

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Q41. True or False: End-to-end tests can be performed in a web browser without writing code.

  • False
  • True

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Q42. Which of the following variable declarations cannot be redeclared or reassigned?

  • There are no variable declarations which cannot be reassigned.
  • const
  • var
  • let

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Q43. Which of the following variable declarations cannot be redeclared but can be reassigned?

  • let
  • const
  • There are no variable declarations which cannot be redeclared but can be reassigned.
  • var

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Q44. What will print out when the following code runs?

class Game {
    constructor(score) {this.score = points; } 
    getPoints() { return this.score; }
class Bonus extends Game {
    constructor() { super(2);} 
    getpoints() { return super.getPoints() * 5; } 
var result = new Bonus(); 
  • 2
  • 0
  • 10
  • 5

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Q45. What is the function of extends in the following code block.

class Animal { } 
class Cat extends Animal { 
    constructor() { this.noise = "meow"; } 
    makeNoise() { return this.noise; } 
class Tiger extends Cat { 
    constructor() { super(); this.noise = "growl"; } 
var result = new Tiger(); 
  • Creates a parent of the class Animal.
  • Replaces the class Animal with the class Cat.
  • Replaces the class Cat with the class Tiger.
  • Creates a child Cat of the class Animal and a child Tiger of the class Cat.

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Q46. What will print out when the following code runs?

class Animal { } 
class Cat extends Animal { 
    constructor() { this.noise = "meow"; } 
    makeNoise() { return this.noise; } 
class Tiger extends Cat { 
    constructor() { super(); this.noise = "growl"; } 
var result = new Tiger(); 
  • syntaxError
  • growl
  • undefined
  • meow

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Q47. console.log(…rest) will output which of the following for the below statement?
const [a, b, …rest] = [1,2,3,4]

  • undefined
  • 1
  • [3,4]
  • 2

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Q48. Which statement will log [3,4] to the console from the following code snippet?
let a, b, rest;
[a, b, …rest] = [1,2,3,4]

  • console.log(…rest)
  • console.log(rest)
  • console.log(c+d)
  • console.log(c,d)

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Q49. True or false: The rest parameter syntax allows a function to accept an indefinite number of arguments as an array.

  • True
  • False

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Q50. What value will be printed out when the following code runs?

function count( 
{ console.log(food.length) } 
count("Burgers", "Fries", null);
  • “Burgers”, “Fries”, null
  • 2
  • 3
  • “Burgers”, “Fries”, undefined

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Q51. JSON.parse is a static method used to do which of the following?

  • Convert a JavaScript object to a JSON string.
  • Convert a JSON string to a JavaScript object.
  • Convert a JavaScript object to a JSON number.
  • Convert a JavaScript object to a JSON boolean.

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Q52. Which of the following static methods convert a JSON string into an object?

  • JSON.parse
  • JSON.stringify
  • JSON.fromString
  • JSON.toString

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Q53. A function that is called to create an instance of an object is called what?

  • Constructor
  • Method
  • An object literal
  • Argument

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Q54. What keyword, used with a constructor function, details how an object will be built?

  • Extends
  • New
  • Construct
  • Function

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Q55. The Object Oriented Programming paradigm can best be described how?

  • It works by writing efficient code.
  • It works by keeping data in meaningful objects but keeps functionality separate.
  • It works by keeping the data and functionality grouped in meaningful objects.
  • It works by keeping the data and functionality separate.

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

Q56. Which of the following concepts are not associated with the concept of functional programming?

  • Higher-order function
  • First-class functions
  • Pure functions and side-effects
  • Objects

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Q57. The Functional Programming paradigm can best be described how?

  • It works by writing efficient code.
  • It works by keeping the data and functionality separate.
  • It works by keeping data in meaningful objects but keeps functionality separate.
  • It works by keeping the data and functionality grouped in meaningful objects.

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These are Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera Answers

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Mobile Development and JavaScript Week 5 Coursera