3241. Time Taken to Mark All Nodes LeetCode Solution

In this guide, you will get 3241. Time Taken to Mark All Nodes LeetCode Solution with the best time and space complexity. The solution to Time Taken to Mark All Nodes problem is provided in various programming languages like C++, Java, and Python. This will be helpful for you if you are preparing for placements, hackathons, interviews, or practice purposes. The solutions provided here are very easy to follow and include detailed explanations.

Table of Contents

  1. Problem Statement
  2. Complexity Analysis
  3. Time Taken to Mark All Nodes solution in C++
  4. Time Taken to Mark All Nodes solution in Java
  5. Time Taken to Mark All Nodes solution in Python
  6. Additional Resources
3241. Time Taken to Mark All Nodes LeetCode Solution image

Problem Statement of Time Taken to Mark All Nodes

There exists an undirected tree with n nodes numbered 0 to n – 1. You are given a 2D integer array edges of length n – 1, where edges[i] = [ui, vi] indicates that there is an edge between nodes ui and vi in the tree.
Initially, all nodes are unmarked. For each node i:

If i is odd, the node will get marked at time x if there is at least one node adjacent to it which was marked at time x – 1.
If i is even, the node will get marked at time x if there is at least one node adjacent to it which was marked at time x – 2.

Return an array times where times[i] is the time when all nodes get marked in the tree, if you mark node i at time t = 0.
Note that the answer for each times[i] is independent, i.e. when you mark node i all other nodes are unmarked.

Example 1:

Input: edges = [[0,1],[0,2]]
Output: [2,4,3]

For i = 0:

Node 1 is marked at t = 1, and Node 2 at t = 2.

For i = 1:

Node 0 is marked at t = 2, and Node 2 at t = 4.

For i = 2:

Node 0 is marked at t = 2, and Node 1 at t = 3.

Example 2:

Input: edges = [[0,1]]
Output: [1,2]

For i = 0:

Node 1 is marked at t = 1.

For i = 1:

Node 0 is marked at t = 2.

Example 3:

Input: edges = [[2,4],[0,1],[2,3],[0,2]]
Output: [4,6,3,5,5]


2 <= n <= 105
edges.length == n – 1
edges[i].length == 2
0 <= edges[i][0], edges[i][1] <= n – 1
The input is generated such that edges represents a valid tree.

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: O(n)
  • Space Complexity: O(n)

3241. Time Taken to Mark All Nodes LeetCode Solution in C++

struct Node {
  int node = 0;  // the node number
  int time = 0;  // the time taken to mark the entire subtree rooted at the node

struct Top2 {
  // the direct child node, where the time taken to mark the entire subtree
  // rooted at the node is the maximum
  Node top1;
  // the direct child node, where the time taken to mark the entire subtree
  // rooted at the node is the second maximum
  Node top2;

class Solution {
  vector<int> timeTaken(vector<vector<int>>& edges) {
    const int n = edges.size() + 1;
    vector<int> ans(n);
    vector<vector<int>> tree(n);
    // dp[i] := the top two direct child nodes for subtree rooted at node i,
    // where each node contains the time taken to mark the entire subtree rooted
    // at the node itself
    vector<Top2> dp(n);

    for (const vector<int>& edge : edges) {
      const int u = edge[0];
      const int v = edge[1];

    dfs(tree, 0, /*prev=*/-1, dp);
    reroot(tree, 0, /*prev=*/-1, /*maxTime=*/0, dp, ans);
    return ans;

  // Return the time taken to mark node u.
  int getTime(int u) {
    return u % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 1;

  // Performs a DFS traversal of the subtree rooted at node `u`, computes the
  // time taken to mark all nodes in the subtree, records the top two direct
  // child nodes, where the time taken to mark the subtree rooted at each of the
  // child nodes is maximized, and returns the top child node.
  // These values are used later in the rerooting process.
  int dfs(const vector<vector<int>>& tree, int u, int prev, vector<Top2>& dp) {
    Node top1;
    Node top2;
    for (const int v : tree[u]) {
      if (v == prev)
      const int time = dfs(tree, v, u, dp) + getTime(v);
      if (time >= top1.time) {
        top2 = top1;
        top1 = Node(v, time);
      } else if (time > top2.time) {
        top2 = Node(v, time);
    dp[u] = Top2(top1, top2);
    return top1.time;

  // Reroots the tree at node `u` and updates the answer array, where `maxTime`
  // is the longest path that doesn't go through `u`'s subtree.
  void reroot(const vector<vector<int>>& tree, int u, int prev, int maxTime,
              const vector<Top2>& dp, vector<int>& ans) {
    ans[u] = max(maxTime, dp[u].top1.time);
    for (const int v : tree[u]) {
      if (v == prev)
      const int newMaxTime =
          getTime(u) + max(maxTime, dp[u].top1.node == v ? dp[u].top2.time
                                                         : dp[u].top1.time);
      reroot(tree, v, u, newMaxTime, dp, ans);
/* code provided by PROGIEZ */

3241. Time Taken to Mark All Nodes LeetCode Solution in Java

class Solution {
  public int[] timeTaken(int[][] edges) {
    final int n = edges.length + 1;
    int[] ans = new int[n];
    List<Integer>[] tree = new List[n];
    // dp[i] := the top two direct child nodes for subtree rooted at node i,
    // where each node contains the time taken to mark the entire subtree rooted
    // at the node itself
    Top2[] dp = new Top2[n];

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      tree[i] = new ArrayList<>();
      dp[i] = new Top2();

    for (int[] edge : edges) {
      final int u = edge[0];
      final int v = edge[1];

    dfs(tree, 0, /*prev=*/-1, dp);
    reroot(tree, 0, /*prev=*/-1, /*maxTime=*/0, dp, ans);
    return ans;

  private record Node(int node, int time) {
    Node() {
      this(0, 0);

  private record Top2(Node max1, Node max2) {
    Top2() {
      this(new Node(), new Node());

  // Return the time taken to mark node u.
  private int getTime(int u) {
    return u % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 1;

  // Performs a DFS traversal of the subtree rooted at node `u`, computes the
  // time taken to mark all nodes in the subtree, records the top two direct
  // child nodes, where the time taken to mark the subtree rooted at each of the
  // child nodes is maximized, and returns the top child node.
  // These values are used later in the rerooting process.
  private int dfs(List<Integer>[] tree, int u, int prev, Top2[] dp) {
    Node max1 = new Node();
    Node max2 = new Node();
    for (final int v : tree[u]) {
      if (v == prev)
      final int time = dfs(tree, v, u, dp) + getTime(v);
      if (time >= max1.time()) {
        max2 = max1;
        max1 = new Node(v, time);
      } else if (time > max2.time()) {
        max2 = new Node(v, time);
    dp[u] = new Top2(max1, max2);
    return max1.time();

  // Reroots the tree at node `u` and updates the answer array, where `maxTime`
  // is the longest path that doesn't go through `u`'s subtree.
  private void reroot(List<Integer>[] tree, int u, int prev, int maxTime, Top2[] dp, int[] ans) {
    ans[u] = Math.max(maxTime, dp[u].max1().time());
    for (final int v : tree[u]) {
      if (v == prev)
      final int newMaxTime =
          getTime(u) +
          Math.max(maxTime, dp[u].max1().node() == v ? dp[u].max2().time() : dp[u].max1().time());
      reroot(tree, v, u, newMaxTime, dp, ans);
// code provided by PROGIEZ

3241. Time Taken to Mark All Nodes LeetCode Solution in Python

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Node:
  node: int = 0  # the node number
  time: int = 0  # the time taken to mark the entire subtree rooted at the node

class Top2:
  def __init__(self, top1: Node = Node(), top2: Node = Node()):
    # the direct child node, where the time taken to mark the entire subtree
    # rooted at the node is the maximum
    self.top1 = top1
    # the direct child node, where the time taken to mark the entire subtree
    # rooted at the node is the second maximum
    self.top2 = top2

class Solution:
  def timeTaken(self, edges: list[list[int]]) -> list[int]:
    n = len(edges) + 1
    ans = [0] * n
    tree = [[] for _ in range(n)]
    # dp[i] := the top two direct child nodes for subtree rooted at node i,
    # where each node contains the time taken to mark the entire subtree rooted
    # at the node itself
    dp = [Top2()] * n

    for u, v in edges:

    self._dfs(tree, 0, -1, dp)
    self._reroot(tree, 0, -1, 0, dp, ans)
    return ans

  def _getTime(self, u: int) -> int:
    """Returns the time taken to mark node u."""
    return 2 if u % 2 == 0 else 1

  def _dfs(
      tree: list[list[int]],
      u: int,
      prev: int,
      dp: list[Top2]
  ) -> int:
    Performs a DFS traversal of the subtree rooted at node `u`, computes the
    time taken to mark all nodes in the subtree, records the top two direct
    child nodes, where the time taken to mark the subtree rooted at each of the
    child nodes is maximized, and returns the top child node.

    These values are used later in the rerooting process.
    top1 = Node()
    top2 = Node()
    for v in tree[u]:
      if v == prev:
      time = self._dfs(tree, v, u, dp) + self._getTime(v)
      if time >= top1.time:
        top2 = top1
        top1 = Node(v, time)
      elif time > top2.time:
        top2 = Node(v, time)
    dp[u] = Top2(top1, top2)
    return top1.time

  def _reroot(
      tree: list[list[int]],
      u: int,
      prev: int,
      maxTime: int,
      dp: list[Top2],
      ans: list[int]
  ) -> None:
    Reroots the tree at node `u` and updates the answer array, where `maxTime`
    is the longest path that doesn't go through `u`'s subtree.
    ans[u] = max(maxTime, dp[u].top1.time)

    for v in tree[u]:
      if v == prev:
      newMaxTime = self._getTime(u) + max(
          dp[u].top2.time if dp[u].top1.node == v else dp[u].top1.time
      self._reroot(tree, v, u, newMaxTime, dp, ans)
# code by PROGIEZ

Additional Resources

See also  2409. Count Days Spent Together LeetCode Solution

Happy Coding! Keep following PROGIEZ for more updates and solutions.