3013. Divide an Array Into Subarrays With Minimum Cost II LeetCode Solution
In this guide, you will get 3013. Divide an Array Into Subarrays With Minimum Cost II LeetCode Solution with the best time and space complexity. The solution to Divide an Array Into Subarrays With Minimum Cost II problem is provided in various programming languages like C++, Java, and Python. This will be helpful for you if you are preparing for placements, hackathons, interviews, or practice purposes. The solutions provided here are very easy to follow and include detailed explanations.
Table of Contents
- Problem Statement
- Complexity Analysis
- Divide an Array Into Subarrays With Minimum Cost II solution in C++
- Divide an Array Into Subarrays With Minimum Cost II solution in Java
- Divide an Array Into Subarrays With Minimum Cost II solution in Python
- Additional Resources

Problem Statement of Divide an Array Into Subarrays With Minimum Cost II
You are given a 0-indexed array of integers nums of length n, and two positive integers k and dist.
The cost of an array is the value of its first element. For example, the cost of [1,2,3] is 1 while the cost of [3,4,1] is 3.
You need to divide nums into k disjoint contiguous subarrays, such that the difference between the starting index of the second subarray and the starting index of the kth subarray should be less than or equal to dist. In other words, if you divide nums into the subarrays nums[0..(i1 – 1)], nums[i1..(i2 – 1)], …, nums[ik-1..(n – 1)], then ik-1 – i1 <= dist.
Return the minimum possible sum of the cost of these subarrays.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [1,3,2,6,4,2], k = 3, dist = 3
Output: 5
Explanation: The best possible way to divide nums into 3 subarrays is: [1,3], [2,6,4], and [2]. This choice is valid because ik-1 – i1 is 5 – 2 = 3 which is equal to dist. The total cost is nums[0] + nums[2] + nums[5] which is 1 + 2 + 2 = 5.
It can be shown that there is no possible way to divide nums into 3 subarrays at a cost lower than 5.
Example 2:
Input: nums = [10,1,2,2,2,1], k = 4, dist = 3
Output: 15
Explanation: The best possible way to divide nums into 4 subarrays is: [10], [1], [2], and [2,2,1]. This choice is valid because ik-1 – i1 is 3 – 1 = 2 which is less than dist. The total cost is nums[0] + nums[1] + nums[2] + nums[3] which is 10 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 15.
The division [10], [1], [2,2,2], and [1] is not valid, because the difference between ik-1 and i1 is 5 – 1 = 4, which is greater than dist.
It can be shown that there is no possible way to divide nums into 4 subarrays at a cost lower than 15.
Example 3:
Input: nums = [10,8,18,9], k = 3, dist = 1
Output: 36
Explanation: The best possible way to divide nums into 4 subarrays is: [10], [8], and [18,9]. This choice is valid because ik-1 – i1 is 2 – 1 = 1 which is equal to dist.The total cost is nums[0] + nums[1] + nums[2] which is 10 + 8 + 18 = 36.
The division [10], [8,18], and [9] is not valid, because the difference between ik-1 and i1 is 3 – 1 = 2, which is greater than dist.
It can be shown that there is no possible way to divide nums into 3 subarrays at a cost lower than 36.
3 <= n <= 105
1 <= nums[i] <= 109
3 <= k <= n
k – 2 <= dist <= n – 2
Complexity Analysis
- Time Complexity: O(n\log n)
- Space Complexity: O(n)
3013. Divide an Array Into Subarrays With Minimum Cost II LeetCode Solution in C++
class Solution {
long long minimumCost(vector<int>& nums, int k, int dist) {
// Equivalently, the problem is to find nums[0] + the minimum sum of the top
// k - 1 numbers in nums[i..i + dist], where i > 0 and i + dist < n.
long windowSum = 0;
multiset<int> selected;
multiset<int> candidates;
for (int i = 1; i <= dist + 1; ++i) {
windowSum += nums[i];
windowSum = balance(windowSum, selected, candidates, k);
long minWindowSum = windowSum;
for (int i = dist + 2; i < nums.size(); ++i) {
const int outOfScope = nums[i - dist - 1];
if (selected.find(outOfScope) != selected.end()) {
windowSum -= outOfScope;
} else {
if (nums[i] < *selected.rbegin()) { // nums[i] is a better number.
windowSum += nums[i];
} else {
windowSum = balance(windowSum, selected, candidates, k);
minWindowSum = min(minWindowSum, windowSum);
return nums[0] + minWindowSum;
// Returns the updated `windowSum` by balancing the multiset `selected` to
// keep the top k - 1 numbers.
long balance(long windowSum, multiset<int>& selected,
multiset<int>& candidates, int k) {
while (selected.size() < k - 1) {
const int minCandidate = *candidates.begin();
windowSum += minCandidate;
while (selected.size() > k - 1) {
const int maxSelected = *selected.rbegin();
windowSum -= maxSelected;
return windowSum;
/* code provided by PROGIEZ */
3013. Divide an Array Into Subarrays With Minimum Cost II LeetCode Solution in Java
class Multiset {
public void add(int num) {
map.merge(num, 1, Integer::sum);
public void remove(int num) {
map.merge(num, -1, Integer::sum);
if (map.get(num) == 0)
public int min() {
return map.firstEntry().getKey();
public int max() {
return map.lastEntry().getKey();
public int size() {
return sz;
public boolean contains(int num) {
return map.containsKey(num);
private TreeMap<Integer, Integer> map = new TreeMap<>();
private int sz = 0;
class Solution {
public long minimumCost(int[] nums, int k, int dist) {
// Equivalently, the problem is to find nums[0] + the minimum sum of the top
// k - 1 numbers in nums[i..i + dist], where i > 0 and i + dist < n.
long windowSum = 0;
Multiset selected = new Multiset();
Multiset candidates = new Multiset();
for (int i = 1; i <= dist + 1; ++i) {
windowSum += nums[i];
windowSum = balance(windowSum, selected, candidates, k);
long minWindowSum = windowSum;
for (int i = dist + 2; i < nums.length; ++i) {
final int outOfScope = nums[i - dist - 1];
if (selected.contains(outOfScope)) {
windowSum -= outOfScope;
} else {
if (nums[i] < selected.max()) { // nums[i] is a better number.
windowSum += nums[i];
} else {
windowSum = balance(windowSum, selected, candidates, k);
minWindowSum = Math.min(minWindowSum, windowSum);
return nums[0] + minWindowSum;
// Returns the updated `windowSum` by balancing the multiset `selected` to
// keep the top k - 1 numbers.
private long balance(long windowSum, Multiset selected, Multiset candidates, int k) {
while (selected.size() < k - 1) {
final int minCandidate = candidates.min();
windowSum += minCandidate;
while (selected.size() > k - 1) {
final int maxSelected = selected.max();
windowSum -= maxSelected;
return windowSum;
// code provided by PROGIEZ
3013. Divide an Array Into Subarrays With Minimum Cost II LeetCode Solution in Python
from sortedcontainers import SortedList
class Solution:
def minimumCost(self, nums: list[int], k: int, dist: int) -> int:
# Equivalently, the problem is to find nums[0] + the minimum sum of the top
# k - 1 numbers in nums[i..i + dist], where i > 0 and i + dist < n.
windowSum = sum(nums[i] for i in range(1, dist + 2))
selected = SortedList(nums[i] for i in range(1, dist + 2))
candidates = SortedList()
def balance() -> int:
Returns the updated `windowSum` by balancing the multiset `selected` to
keep the top k - 1 numbers.
nonlocal windowSum
while len(selected) < k - 1:
minCandidate = candidates[0]
windowSum += minCandidate
while len(selected) > k - 1:
maxSelected = selected[-1]
windowSum -= maxSelected
return windowSum
windowSum = balance()
minWindowSum = windowSum
for i in range(dist + 2, len(nums)):
outOfScope = nums[i - dist - 1]
if outOfScope in selected:
windowSum -= outOfScope
if nums[i] < selected[-1]: # nums[i] is a better number.
windowSum += nums[i]
windowSum = balance()
minWindowSum = min(minWindowSum, windowSum)
return nums[0] + minWindowSum
# code by PROGIEZ
Additional Resources
- Explore all LeetCode problem solutions at Progiez here
- Explore all problems on LeetCode website here
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