2114. Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences LeetCode Solution

In this guide, you will get 2114. Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences LeetCode Solution with the best time and space complexity. The solution to Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences problem is provided in various programming languages like C++, Java, and Python. This will be helpful for you if you are preparing for placements, hackathons, interviews, or practice purposes. The solutions provided here are very easy to follow and include detailed explanations.

Table of Contents

  1. Problem Statement
  2. Complexity Analysis
  3. Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences solution in C++
  4. Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences solution in Java
  5. Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences solution in Python
  6. Additional Resources
2114. Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences LeetCode Solution image

Problem Statement of Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences

A sentence is a list of words that are separated by a single space with no leading or trailing spaces.
You are given an array of strings sentences, where each sentences[i] represents a single sentence.
Return the maximum number of words that appear in a single sentence.

Example 1:

Input: sentences = [“alice and bob love leetcode”, “i think so too”, “this is great thanks very much”]
Output: 6
– The first sentence, “alice and bob love leetcode”, has 5 words in total.
– The second sentence, “i think so too”, has 4 words in total.
– The third sentence, “this is great thanks very much”, has 6 words in total.
Thus, the maximum number of words in a single sentence comes from the third sentence, which has 6 words.

Example 2:

Input: sentences = [“please wait”, “continue to fight”, “continue to win”]
Output: 3
Explanation: It is possible that multiple sentences contain the same number of words.
In this example, the second and third sentences (underlined) have the same number of words.

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1 <= sentences.length <= 100
1 <= sentences[i].length <= 100
sentences[i] consists only of lowercase English letters and ' ' only.
sentences[i] does not have leading or trailing spaces.
All the words in sentences[i] are separated by a single space.

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: O(n)
  • Space Complexity: O(1)

2114. Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences LeetCode Solution in C++

class Solution {
  int mostWordsFound(vector<string>& sentences) {
    long maxSpaceCount = 0;

    for (const string& s : sentences)
      maxSpaceCount = max(maxSpaceCount, ranges::count(s, ' '));

    return maxSpaceCount + 1;
/* code provided by PROGIEZ */

2114. Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences LeetCode Solution in Java

class Solution {
  public int mostWordsFound(String[] sentences) {
    return 1 + Stream.of(sentences)
                   .mapToInt(s -> (int) s.chars().filter(c -> c == ' ').count())
// code provided by PROGIEZ

2114. Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences LeetCode Solution in Python

class Solution:
  def mostWordsFound(self, sentences: list[str]) -> int:
    return max(s.count(' ') for s in sentences) + 1
# code by PROGIEZ

Additional Resources

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