1769. Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box LeetCode Solution

In this guide, you will get 1769. Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box LeetCode Solution with the best time and space complexity. The solution to Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box problem is provided in various programming languages like C++, Java, and Python. This will be helpful for you if you are preparing for placements, hackathons, interviews, or practice purposes. The solutions provided here are very easy to follow and include detailed explanations.

Table of Contents

  1. Problem Statement
  2. Complexity Analysis
  3. Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box solution in C++
  4. Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box solution in Java
  5. Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box solution in Python
  6. Additional Resources
1769. Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box LeetCode Solution image

Problem Statement of Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box

You have n boxes. You are given a binary string boxes of length n, where boxes[i] is ‘0’ if the ith box is empty, and ‘1’ if it contains one ball.
In one operation, you can move one ball from a box to an adjacent box. Box i is adjacent to box j if abs(i – j) == 1. Note that after doing so, there may be more than one ball in some boxes.
Return an array answer of size n, where answer[i] is the minimum number of operations needed to move all the balls to the ith box.
Each answer[i] is calculated considering the initial state of the boxes.

See also  2651. Calculate Delayed Arrival Time LeetCode Solution

Example 1:

Input: boxes = “110”
Output: [1,1,3]
Explanation: The answer for each box is as follows:
1) First box: you will have to move one ball from the second box to the first box in one operation.
2) Second box: you will have to move one ball from the first box to the second box in one operation.
3) Third box: you will have to move one ball from the first box to the third box in two operations, and move one ball from the second box to the third box in one operation.

Example 2:

Input: boxes = “001011”
Output: [11,8,5,4,3,4]


n == boxes.length
1 <= n <= 2000
boxes[i] is either '0' or '1'.

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: O(n)
  • Space Complexity: O(n)

1769. Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box LeetCode Solution in C++

class Solution {
  vector<int> minOperations(string boxes) {
    vector<int> ans(boxes.length());

    for (int i = 0, count = 0, moves = 0; i < boxes.length(); ++i) {
      ans[i] += moves;
      count += boxes[i] - '0';
      moves += count;

    for (int i = boxes.length() - 1, count = 0, moves = 0; i >= 0; --i) {
      ans[i] += moves;
      count += boxes[i] - '0';
      moves += count;

    return ans;
/* code provided by PROGIEZ */

1769. Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box LeetCode Solution in Java

class Solution {
  public int[] minOperations(String boxes) {
    int[] ans = new int[boxes.length()];

    for (int i = 0, count = 0, moves = 0; i < boxes.length(); ++i) {
      ans[i] += moves;
      count += boxes.charAt(i) == '1' ? 1 : 0;
      moves += count;

    for (int i = boxes.length() - 1, count = 0, moves = 0; i >= 0; --i) {
      ans[i] += moves;
      count += boxes.charAt(i) == '1' ? 1 : 0;
      moves += count;

    return ans;
// code provided by PROGIEZ

1769. Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box LeetCode Solution in Python

# code by PROGIEZ

Additional Resources

See also  2406. Divide Intervals Into Minimum Number of Groups LeetCode Solution

Happy Coding! Keep following PROGIEZ for more updates and solutions.