2931. Maximum Spending After Buying Items LeetCode Solution
In this guide, you will get 2931. Maximum Spending After Buying Items LeetCode Solution with the best time and space complexity. The solution to Maximum Spending After Buying Items problem is provided in various programming languages like C++, Java, and Python. This will be helpful for you if you are preparing for placements, hackathons, interviews, or practice purposes. The solutions provided here are very easy to follow and include detailed explanations.
Table of Contents
- Problem Statement
- Complexity Analysis
- Maximum Spending After Buying Items solution in C++
- Maximum Spending After Buying Items solution in Java
- Maximum Spending After Buying Items solution in Python
- Additional Resources

Problem Statement of Maximum Spending After Buying Items
You are given a 0-indexed m * n integer matrix values, representing the values of m * n different items in m different shops. Each shop has n items where the jth item in the ith shop has a value of values[i][j]. Additionally, the items in the ith shop are sorted in non-increasing order of value. That is, values[i][j] >= values[i][j + 1] for all 0 <= j < n – 1.
On each day, you would like to buy a single item from one of the shops. Specifically, On the dth day you can:
Pick any shop i.
Buy the rightmost available item j for the price of values[i][j] * d. That is, find the greatest index j such that item j was never bought before, and buy it for the price of values[i][j] * d.
Note that all items are pairwise different. For example, if you have bought item 0 from shop 1, you can still buy item 0 from any other shop.
Return the maximum amount of money that can be spent on buying all m * n products.
Example 1:
Input: values = [[8,5,2],[6,4,1],[9,7,3]]
Output: 285
Explanation: On the first day, we buy product 2 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][2] * 1 = 1.
On the second day, we buy product 2 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][2] * 2 = 4.
On the third day, we buy product 2 from shop 2 for a price of values[2][2] * 3 = 9.
On the fourth day, we buy product 1 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][1] * 4 = 16.
On the fifth day, we buy product 1 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][1] * 5 = 25.
On the sixth day, we buy product 0 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][0] * 6 = 36.
On the seventh day, we buy product 1 from shop 2 for a price of values[2][1] * 7 = 49.
On the eighth day, we buy product 0 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][0] * 8 = 64.
On the ninth day, we buy product 0 from shop 2 for a price of values[2][0] * 9 = 81.
Hence, our total spending is equal to 285.
It can be shown that 285 is the maximum amount of money that can be spent buying all m * n products.
Example 2:
Input: values = [[10,8,6,4,2],[9,7,5,3,2]]
Output: 386
Explanation: On the first day, we buy product 4 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][4] * 1 = 2.
On the second day, we buy product 4 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][4] * 2 = 4.
On the third day, we buy product 3 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][3] * 3 = 9.
On the fourth day, we buy product 3 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][3] * 4 = 16.
On the fifth day, we buy product 2 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][2] * 5 = 25.
On the sixth day, we buy product 2 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][2] * 6 = 36.
On the seventh day, we buy product 1 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][1] * 7 = 49.
On the eighth day, we buy product 1 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][1] * 8 = 64
On the ninth day, we buy product 0 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][0] * 9 = 81.
On the tenth day, we buy product 0 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][0] * 10 = 100.
Hence, our total spending is equal to 386.
It can be shown that 386 is the maximum amount of money that can be spent buying all m * n products.
1 <= m == values.length <= 10
1 <= n == values[i].length <= 104
1 <= values[i][j] <= 106
values[i] are sorted in non-increasing order.
Complexity Analysis
- Time Complexity: O(mn\log mn)
- Space Complexity: O(mn)
2931. Maximum Spending After Buying Items LeetCode Solution in C++
class Solution {
long long maxSpending(vector<vector<int>>& values) {
const int m = values.size();
const int n = values[0].size();
long ans = 0;
long d = 1;
vector<int> items;
for (const vector<int>& shop : values)
for (const int item : shop)
for (const int item : items)
ans += item * d++;
return ans;
/* code provided by PROGIEZ */
2931. Maximum Spending After Buying Items LeetCode Solution in Java
class Solution {
public long maxSpending(int[][] values) {
int[] sorted = Arrays.stream(values)
.flatMapToInt(Arrays::stream) //
.sorted() //
.toArray(); //
return LongStream.range(0, sorted.length)
.map(i -> (i + 1) * sorted[(int) i]) //
.sum(); //
// code provided by PROGIEZ
2931. Maximum Spending After Buying Items LeetCode Solution in Python
class Solution:
def maxSpending(self, values: list[list[int]]) -> int:
items = sorted(item for shop in values for item in shop)
return sum(item * d for d, item in enumerate(items, 1))
# code by PROGIEZ
Additional Resources
- Explore all LeetCode problem solutions at Progiez here
- Explore all problems on LeetCode website here
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