Theory of Computation Week 3 Nptel Assignment Answers
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Theory of Computation Week 3 Nptel Assignment Answers (July-Dec 2024)
Q1. Let L be a regular language. Then according to the pumping lemma for regular languages, there exists an integer p≥1 such that every string w∈L can be written as w=xyz satisfying the following conditions:
Answer: ∀n≥0,xynz∈L
Q2.Which states are equivalent in the following DFA?
q0 and q1 only
q1 and q2 only
q0 and q2 only
q0,q1 and q2
Answer: q1 and q2 only
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These are Theory of Computation Week 3 Nptel Assignment Answers
Q3. Which of the following is a regular language?
{0m1m|m>0 is a natural number}
{0m1n|m,n>0 are natural numbers}
{0m1m|m≥0 is a natural number}
{0m1n|m,n≥0 are natural numbers such that m≥n}
Answer: {0m1n|m,n>0 are natural numbers}
Q4. Which of the following is not a regular language?
{0m|m is a natural number}
{02m|m is a natural number}
{03m+2|m is a natural numberm≥n}
{0m2|m is a natural number}
Answer: {03m+2|m is a natural numberm≥n}
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These are Theory of Computation Week 3 Nptel Assignment Answers
Q5. Which of the following statements is not true?
Any regular language satisfies the pumping lemma.
Any language that does not satisfy the pumping lemma cannot be regular.
Any language that satisfies the pumping lemma must be regular.
A language that is not regular may also satisfy the pumping lemma.
Answer: Any language that satisfies the pumping lemma must be regular.
Q6. Which of the following languages is not regular?
{0n∣n is prime}
Set of binary strings where every occurrence of 1 is followed by 0
Set of binary strings such that the numbers represented by them in binary representation is divisible by 3
Answer: {0n∣n is prime}
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These are Theory of Computation Week 3 Nptel Assignment Answers
Q7. How many states are there in the minmal DFA corresponding to the following DFA?
Answer: 8
Q8. How many final/accepting states are there in the minmal DFA corresponding to the following DFA?
Answer: 3
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These are Theory of Computation Week 3 Nptel Assignment Answers
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